In pursuit of “Human wealth” vs “Economic Wealth” (1)

One of the most challenging question which is before us ..”Human wealth vs Economic Wealth” …To most extent our life was revolving around gaining economic wealth, ..but has it  helped us to be safe economically and as well as meeting the basic needs ? So looking from a different angle, I searched the term “Human wealth” in the internet..surprisingly not much of information…and I am not able to find this word “Human wealth” in the Cambridge university dictionary or some in other dictionary.. (So please don’t search the meaning in the dictionaries)

So, I thought what “Human Wealth” could be … The thought process is…what attributes of the human society will make our society to be highly resilient in the situation of adversity or what would make us leaner in everything we do…may not be one dimension…probably we need to look at multiple dimensions….

However, the uncertainty we live in always existed, only thing is we were not more concerned about that… as we are concerned about like COVID-19 situation, this has made us to  come very close to the threat because of the infectious nature…and we are forced to look at it..

I think, You and I cannot put everything together in one shot… and my views alone may not be sufficient…however open discussions on this, this will help us to evolve the concept of “Human Wealth”…

The first angle…

Economic wealth – Is it a big challenge ?.. (Please see this link…very interesting..( )… Take a look at the below data.


This data is quite interesting…as we grow… the BOP (Bottom of pyramid) likely is to become less…how come this has reversed from 2002 to 2017…? This is the first question / angle to ponder upon…(Please note that I am respecting every human being at all statures who have made effort to reach the top)…..Is concentrating at the top is helping to alleviate the kind of situation  we are facing today ? On one aspect it has helped to get more number of employment…. but what about other aspects…. we have become more vulnerable to many facets in terms of pollution, pandemic, health and so on….

Before getting on into a solution… we have to look at various facets ..not from the view point of capitalism or communism…but beyond that…such as too much of concentration of population, producing more than required (Has its own side effects), concentrated urban transportation and not so required transportation at some places…etc.,etc., but what is fundamentally moving all these things.. ? we need to really take a very hard look at this..!

(I am leaving at here…as a point to ponder…and catch up in the next blog …)

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